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Mére's Collection of Family Recipes

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103: Creole Cream Cheese; Source:

skim milk1gallon buttermilk1/2cup
liquid rennet8drops half & halfto taste

Creole cream cheese

Makes about 2 (depending upon size of molds)

Half-and-half or heavy cream to taste

Place milk in a large container. Be sure the temperature of the milk is no cooler than 70 degrees or no warmer than 80 degrees. Add the buttermilk and stir the mixture well. Then pour in the rennet and agitate everything vigorously for one minute. After stirring, do not stir again or you will break the cheese formation.

At this point cover the container and let it stand at room temperature for 12 to 15 hours. The rennet will convert the milk solids to a caked cheese. The longer it stands, the firmer the cheese will be.

After the cheese has set, ladle it into Creole cream cheese molds (or other perforated containers) so that the water can drain off the cheese. Place the molds in a large roasting pan on a rack elevated by custard cups and leave them in the refrigerator until no more water drips out. The cheese will take at least four to six hours to form. The cream cheese will keep in your refrigerator for at least a month in clean containers.

When you are ready to eat it, spoon what you want into a bowl, and cover with either half-and-half or whipping cream.

OYSTERS . . . AND MORE OYSTERS: Another letter comes from D.F. of Metairie, formerly of Meraux. About a year ago, I requested Elmwood Plantation's recipe for Oysters Mosca . . . unfortunately, like so many, I lost

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