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Mére's Collection of Family Recipes

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220: Red Beans and Rice; Source: Mere

dry red beans1lb water2qts
medium onions2chopped ham seasoning2lbs

Put 1 lb of red beans in two quarts of cold water (wash well first) Let soak overnight to soften or if you do not have time you will have to cook a little longer. Boil for 1 1/2 hours over slow fire. Chop 1 to 2 medium onions and put in 1 to 2 rounded tablespoons of olive oil in fry pan and stir till onions are cooked, add ham seasoning or pickle pork and cook till brown. Add 1 cup of bean water, stir until well mixed. Then pour all of this into the beans. Let cook 20 minutes more or until beans or soft. Taste to see if salt is needed and add salt & pepper to taste.
Now I cook my beans in a pressure cooker sometimes. I do everything the same except I only cook it for about 30 minutes. Let the pressure drop by itself and then check to see if you have to cook it down a little.

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